Next Event in the Partnering series

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Accelerate licensing and collaboration deals across TAC and Molecular Glue discovery platforms and pipelines to validate capabilities, improve tissue specificity of protein homeostasis, and leverage known, undruggable targets across diseases.

Tailoring Hit Screening Strategies from Chemical Libraries,
DNA-Encoded Libraries, High Throughput Screening, Fragment Based Drug Discovery & AI to Efficiently Identify Hits
for Specific, Hard-to-Drug, Targets

Welcome to the Hit ID Summit

From Targets to Hits in Drug Discovery 

You could have discovered the future of drug discovery at The Inaugural Hit ID Summit! As chemical libraries and hit screening methods—including DNA-encoded libraries, high-throughput screening, fragment-based screening, and AI—continue to evolve, now is the time for medicinal chemists, computational chemists, and drug discovery leaders and innovators to unite at a dedicated forum. This unique event presented the opportunity to share innovative ideas and actionable insights that would revolutionize hit finding strategies and propel the entire drug development process forward. From delving into the latest hit-finding technologies and methodologies, bridging the gap from target identification to molecule discovery and transforming hits into promising leads 

You could have joined us for an unmissable experience where the biggest names in pharma and biotech came together including Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Insitro, Sanofi & more. This was your chance to stay ahead of the curve and drive innovation in your hit identification and drug discovery strategies. 

This summit was a unique opportunity to network with over 50 hit strategy specialists and drug discovery experts. With insights from industry giants like AbbVieNovartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, and UCB, you could have gained invaluable knowledge and forged meaningful connections that would have taken your work to the next level. 

2024 Agenda


Our 2024 Speaker Faculty Included:

What Our Speakers Had To Say:

“In recent years, technological advancements have significantly broadened the scope of available options for Hit ID, facilitating the exploration of new modalities and previously undrugged targets. It is essential to remain abreast of these cutting-edge technologies and applications.”

St. Jude’s Research Centre

“This is a great opportunity to explore how the hit ID field has developed in the company of world class experts, and to see where they envision taking the field in the near future.”

The Francis Crick Institute 

Other Events in the Series: