Conference Day Two, Thursday November 14, 2024

8:00 am Check-In & Light Refreshments

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Drugging the Undruggable: Exploring the Potential of RNA Binders, Degraders & Molecular Glues for Hard-to-Drug Targets

9:00 am Demystifying Molecular Glues Through the Identification & Targeting of E3 Ligase Interactions


  • Developing a method to discover novel molecular glues through systematic processes aims to replace discovery by serendipity with a structured approach to hit identification
  • Evaluating DEL screening for hit identification for molecular glues
  • Understanding which assays to run in parallel to evaluate the validity of your hits & understand the degradation pathway being targeted

9:30 am Methods for the Discovery, Evaluation & Characterization of New Ligands for Targeted Protein Degradation

  • Christopher Barbieri Associate Director, Molecular Pharmacology & Screening Technology, Bristol Myers Squibb


  • Identifying new E3 ligase interactions that can be harnessed against undruggable targets
  • Generating actionable insights that can be used for further hit ID cascades
  • Presenting methods for proximity labeling of a target of interest for identifying complex members and transient interactions
  • Developing HTS methods to identify new molecules for targeted protein degradation
  • Optimizing data analysis tools for protein degrader molecular properties
  • Guiding protac SAR using quantitative measurement of biochemical properties and degradation activities

10:00 am Morning Break & Poster Session Continued


This is an informal session to help you connect with your peers in a relaxed atmosphere and forge new and beneficial relationships. With an audience of experts in medicinal chemistry & hit identification eager to discuss shared challenges, you will have the opportunity to display a poster presenting your own work. Additionally, you will have the chance to review others’ posters. To submit a poster, please contact

11:00 am Double the Fun: Chemical Proteomics to Identify Novel Targets on Both Ends of a Novel E2-Based Bifunctional Degrader Platform


  • Characterizing E2s and degradation machinery recruited by a novel E2-specific scaffold through chemical proteomics technologies
  • Profiling of broad chemical matter to identify novel targets for TPD
  • Characterizing the selectivity of degrader molecules throughout multiple cycles of compound optimization

11:30 am Luck Meets Design: Serendipitous Molecule Discovery for Targeted Protein Degradation


  • Developing a drug screening assays to identify novel brain tumor therapies
  • Developing a novel natural compound for targeted protein degradation
  • Application of novel PROTAC for breast and brain cancer

12:00 pm Lunch & Networking

The Renaissance of Phenotypic Screening – Evaluating the Outcomes of Phenotypic & Target Based Screens

1:00 pm An Integrative Process to Discover Ligands of Nuclear Receptors with Different Modes of Action & Cellular Functions

  • Taosheng Chen Director, High Throughput Bioscience Center, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital


  • Discovering inhibitors of xenobiotic receptor PXR by automated phenotypic and target-based HTS
  • Optimizing binding affinity by medicinal chemistry
  • Revealing modes of action (agonists, inverse agonists and antagonists) by structural and pharmacology

1:30 pm Panel Discussion – Comparing & Contrasting the Abilities of Phenotypic VS Target Based Screening

  • Christopher Barbieri Associate Director, Molecular Pharmacology & Screening Technology, Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Bakhos Tannous Head of NeuroOncology Discovery, AstraZeneca


  • Comparing phenotypic and target-based screening to reveal phenotypic approaches’ broad discovery potential versus the specificity of target-based methods
  • Contrasting these methods to highlight phenotypic screening’s ability to uncover novel mechanisms of action, while target-based screening focuses on predefined molecular targets
  • Discussing both approaches to underscore phenotypic screening’s relevance in identifying hits through functional therapeutic effects, compared to target-based screening offering faster target validation

2:15 pm Emerging Strategies for Hit Identification of Covalent Compounds for High Accuracy Leads

  • Brent Martin Vice President, Chemical Biology, Scorpion Therapeutics


  • Talk details to be confirmed

Introducing Lab Automation to Increase the Efficiency & Consistency of Hit Identification Whilst Reducing Human Error

2:45 pm Automation in the 4th Generation Labspace: Freeing the Humans in the Loop so they can Dream Bigger, Reach Further & Push the Boundaries of Discovery Faster than Ever Before

  • Nii Ayi Hesse Senior Research Scientist, The Francis Crick Institute


  • Leveraging advances in automation and robotics technologies to address major factors limiting the scope of high-throughput screening investigations
  • Maximizing output through miniaturization; using advanced robotics to achieve more for less
  • Building for the future; hit ID in the autonomous labspace

3:15 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

3:25 pm End of Conference Day Two